From Singapore to San Francisco, we've got every public airport in the world, listed right here for your convenience. Ground transportation, internet access, passenger amenities, everything you need to know to plan your next trip. You can even read what other passengers thought of the airport and leave your own remarks.
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Here are some of the most recent remarks left by visitors to this site. Have some opinions of your own to share? Find your airport using the green search box above, and click the "add feedback" button to make yourself heard.
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (Abuja, Nigeria)
Hello everyone, this is important: YOUR "FRIEND" DID NOT SEND YOU A COMPUTER (OR A PHONE, OR ANYTHING ELSE). You are being phished. They make friends with you online, and then after a while they say they will send you a gift. Then they give you false contact information to make a customs payment. If you pay, you will get nothing, because you are actually paying the scammer.
— Helper
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (Abuja, Nigeria)
A friend sent an Apple MacBook pro, iPhone 13 pro max and an envelope but they are asking for 43000 before I can collect it
— Singabele B.
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (Abuja, Nigeria)
Good afternoon, please a package was sent to me last week from Cuba true Fx Swift Express Airline which landed at Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport and I was ask to pay 10,500 for delivery I want to know if it real or Scam
— Benita Mark
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